Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas is so much fun. For Christmas Eve this year we headed up to Uncle Terry's and Aunt Shauna's. We really just hung out. I helped Shauna finish up her kids pj's while Collin went with Terry to deliver dinner to a family in their ward. When the guys got back we had dinner. Shauna made pizza rolls....YUM!!! They were so good. The kids worked on decorating sugar cookies for Santa. The kids then opened their matching pjs.

After changing and a few pictures we had to head home. Collin and I had invited some friends over to help us create a runway for Santa. This is something that Collin, the kids, and I started last year in Idaho. I have to give full credit to Collin. When the snow we got melted off Collin drove to a snowbank and filled the truckbed and then moved it from the truck to the playground and laid it out. It took him 2 1/2 hours. What a great dad!! We set up bags with candles to outline the runway and then we put out our special reindeer food (oats, sugar, sprinkles). We also used carrots. After the candles were lit we came upstairs for hot chocolate and doughnuts!!


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